Friday 23 August 2013

The Fallen Angel pub closes Hell's door

The Fallen Angel pub in Angel, Islington is officially shutting its doors. But, even though it has a Hell room, it gives quite the opposite impression.

Unlike the tacky red and gold  flames that decorate the walls and confused music playlists on a loop, the pub is not half bad. Well, not half bad for a group of broke twenty-somethings who just want a cheap glass of wine on a Thursday night after a Veggie Indian buffet.

Not only do they hold free live music each week, the last one being on the 17th September, happy hour takes place between Monday and Thursday and drinks are only £3. Beer, house wine (although they were unfortunately out when we arrived) and any spirit and mixer. Not bad eh? Interested in visiting this strangely unusual pub in the middle of Chapel Street Market? Well, you'd better hurry because The Fallen Angel is indeed falling. Soon.

Apart from the cheap and cheerful drinks and the ability to satisfy a girl's George Michael and Linkin Park cravings all at once, what shocked me the most was that the staff had only just been told of the closure which loomed upon them. One bar lady, who will remain nameless in case her last week is ruined, has less than a week to get a new job and let's face it, in London that is not an easy task. The other guy at the bar did not seem happy when asked when they were shutting."Where did you hear that then?" He said abruptly.  We got the gossip from the best place to get the gossip these days. Facebook.

Angel is known for its pubs, restaurants and bars. But, on this occasion, a short post to say farewell to a place that calls itself The Fallen Angel seemed necessary. I did a similar post when The Gaff closed in 2011 and was turned into yet another Costa Coffee. It now has three all in the space of one road. I love coffee as much as the next person but really? Another one? Let's hope The Fallen Angel doesn't have the same fate. The bar manager seems to think it will be changing hands and remaining a good old pub. Although the decor does make you cringe, I hope it doesn't become yet another pretentious bar serving overpriced cocktails, and too small to be called dinner, food. A trip will be needed in a few months to see what has happened. I say, keep the cheap £3 wine and just give it a makeover.

Are there any pubs that have shut down that you will never forget? Let me know and comment below.

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